A Guide to LED Obstruction Lighting
You might have seen a tall tower with a blinking red light on top of it and wondered what that light was for. That light that you saw was a LED obstruction light and it is used for many different things. When you see a LED obstruction light or beacon, this is a light that indicates that an object should not be there. If you have ever seen a lighthouse before, that light that it uses is a LED obstruction light or beacon. When it comes to LED obstruction lighting, there are three kinds of them and we are going to be looking at them in a while so stick around if you are curious to find out the many types of LED obstruction lighting systems. We hope that you enjoy this article.
Those LED obstruction lightings should be placed in a spot that the light will not be obstructed. The first type of LED obstruction lighting is the low intensity LED obstruction beacon. This kind of LED lighting is used when the object that you place it on is not very big. Low intensity LED obstruction beacons are also used in a place that are not so high such as 45 meters to 49 yards. A lot of people use this low intensity obstruction beacon because their buildings or objects are not too big. You might need a low intensity LED obstruction lighting and if you do, there are many places where you can go and get them. Having such LED obstruction lighting systems is really helpful indeed.
You are going to need a stronger LED obstruction lighting if your building is a lot taller and bigger. If your building is more than 45 meters above the ground, you are going to need a high intensity LED obstruction lighting. Such high intensity LED obstruction lighting are used for aviation, telecom industries and other kinds of industries out there. You can also use those high intensity LED obstruction lighting for wind turbines and that is good to know. There is also the medium intensity LED obstruction lighting which is also useful for many medium height places.
When it comes to those LED obstruction lightings, each of the intensities has several types to them. The low intensity LED obstruction beacon, for example, has four types of lighting systems to it. They have the red colored light that are not flashing and are used in objects or obstacles that are not moving. There are also those lights that are flashing blue and yellow and those are used for mobile obstacles. Medium intensity LED obstacle lighting usually has white flashing lights. Type C of the medium intensity lights is a red still light that is not flashing which is sort of like the low intensity lighting. A high intensity LED obstacle light has flashing white lights that are placed on objects 150 meters high. If you would like to read more about these LED obstruction beacons, you can always do more research on them.