Essential Factors to Consider in Substance Abuse Treatment Center Selection
While the help from substance abuse treatment centers is the last resort for drug addicts and alcoholics, sometimes, their efforts are never enough to end their suffering. The alarming cases of substance abuse have given rise to drug treatment centers. Even if you have many facilities to choose from, you have to know which one you should get the services that you require. The treatment and recovery of patients with addiction matter a lot on the type of facility that they choose. If you are looking for the right substance abuse treatment center for you or your loved one, there are some things that you need to consider. Below are some of the essential factors to consider in substance abuse treatment center selection.
One of the first things that you need to consider in the substance abuse treatment center that you choose is the kind of facility. Residential drug treatment centers are generally classified into three categories. For patients 13 to 17 years old, adolescent facilities are available; for patients between 17 and 25 years of age, young people facilities are available; and adult facilities for patients more than 18 years of age. Each category offers you different group activities and specialized treatments. In finding the most fitting category of these treatment facilities, be particular in your needs and lifestyle.
Get to know the level of care you get from the substance abuse treatment center that you choose. Most treatment centers offer their patients five different levels of care. Detoxification, partial care, primary care, outpatient care, and extended care are these levels of care. You have to choose a treatment facility that can offer you the level of care you need. The level of care you select will depend on the substance you are addicted to, degree of addiction, and the nature of withdrawal from the substance you choose. One such example is using barbiturates and heroine in the long term wherein the withdrawal symptoms are severe that would lead to endangering your life. When patients go through this type of ordeal in substance addiction, they need to get all five levels of care so they will be cured of their addiction and get proper rehabilitation. Meanwhile, addiction to marijuana and similar substances may not need inpatient treatment that is extended.
Finally, duration of treatment is another key consideration in the substance abuse treatment center that you choose. There are differences in treatment durations between treatment facilities. Some facilities offer treatment programs as short as one week. Unfortunately, a week of treatment for your substance addiction problem will not be possible if your physical and psychological well-being is already affected by the drugs in your system. Ninety days of treatment from these facilities as minimum is one of the most effective treatment duration for drug addiction. Thus, you have to consider the level of drug addiction and make sure to choose a substance abuse treatment center that offers the most fitting duration for your needs.